
End of the first week…

Today marks exactly one week living remotely.

I slept in, but still made it to the ski slopes by just after 9.  I’m trying to be more positive so I’ll just say it was a nice morning.  Sunny, a new lift was open with some new runs, and generally it was a very pleasant two hours of exercise.  On the not-as-positive, snowboards can EABOD.  Can’t stand them.

One very nice thing about being here for a long time is that I don’t feel the need to spend the whole day on the slopes.  I can, and will, go back tomorrow.  I’ve been watching a few You Tube videos to try to get better at skiing.  It’s not enough just to do the same thing and expect to get better.  I’d like to be a bit more confident skiing.  I don’t need to be good and wow people.  I just want to be capable at it.

That’s another nice thing about being here for a long time.  I can go out and just practice.  Today I worked on keeping my arms in front of me.  I purposely did a few more green runs and less blue runs so I could just focus on my arms.  I did notice my balance was better.  I also noticed that every time I wobbled my arms were out of position.  So, lesson learned.  Nice.

Back “home” where I did a ton of work for next week, watched Formula 1 (great race!), the Bears game (still watching it on delay), did laundry, cooked some chicken for the next week, FaceTimed with my wife, and generally relaxed.  So nice.

It’s still not even five.  I’ll have time to read, binge watch a show, eat dinner, and do it all again.  I won’t lie and say it’s ideal, I do miss my family, but it has been a very relaxing week.  A nice re-set.