Long story short, work has been trying and frustrating the last two days. It’s all good. I’ll focus on the positives, the learning, and keep moving ahead trying to get better each day. The crux of the frustration is, like many jobs, there is a disconnect between objectives/metrics/goals of management-workers-clients. It’s what it is and leave it at that. Probably all of us have that in our jobs (except when I was self-employed…and that was a BIG reason why I was). I also still am dealing with my mother’s estate and now my dad’s estate and there seems to be something popping up every day (but my BIL is taking on a lot of tasks, for which I am thankful).
Anyway, I was frustrated and annoyed but as it happens my last class rescheduled to a college visit so I was able to hit the slopes after all. I checked in on that visit to take attendance and show my presence but that was all I had to do. I skiied and did my office hours firepit side. So nice.
I did six runs which means six lifts and I never had to ride with anyone. Not even on the gondola. I love being able to go during the work day (of course, after MY work is done thanks to the time change). It wasn’t the best skiing today. Icy and a bit patchy. They are making snow, but they are doing it on closed runs (probably getting them ready to open soon). It is supposed to snow starting tomorrow and going all weekend. While I enjoy the skiing, it would be nice to have a few more run options.
Now it’s time for pizza and internet trivia with TrivialBob and MrsTrivialBob. My wife can’t join because she’s out playing hockey.