
Finding X…

The other day I read an online article that basically said “If I’m looking for a reason to be x, I’ll probably be able to find it.”  If you want to find reasons to be unhappy or mad, you will.  If you want to find reasons to be happy or encouraged, you will.  Pretty obvious stuff, but nice to be reminded of.  I actually wrote that on an index card to put on my computer because I’m finding all sorts of reasons to be discouraged with online education:  kids who log on and walk away, students who turn in no work, no class discussions, general apathy of students and on and on.

This week I gave a class an open book, open note, take-home test.  I even said it was designed solely to boost their grades (while reiterating what I wanted them to know from that unit).  Only half turned it in.  I literally could not make it easier unless I filled it out for them.  In another class, I gave a reading and split them into four groups.  Each group read 25% of it, answered some questions, and created a video to share with the other groups.  One person out of twenty-five turned it in on time.  Only one of the four groups made videos.

So yeah, discouraging.  Thank God break starts today.

But I’m just throwing that out and trying to focus on the positives.  A student who got a full-ride to a local college.  The 50% that did turn in the test.  The three students who did make videos.

I’m going to focus on winter break, my son coming out to ski with me, the holidays at home with my wife and kids, and then another month of skiing, hiking, and mountain bike riding.  100% selective attention.