The first two on my list were:
Read one book per week and finish one Great Course per month.
Yesterday I added “watch all the movies on Vulture’s list of the 50 Greatest Western Movies Ever Made.” (I checked off the few I’ve already watched).
So far this month I’ve read two Shirley Jackson books. The Road Through the Wall and Hangsaman. I started The Bird’s Nest last night.
I’m making my way through a Great Course on CBT. I don’t know why I started with that one instead of philosophy or history, but I have twelve months so I’ll get to them eventually. I need to make more progress on that, but I figure I can listen for hours on my drive back to Illinois.
Yesterday I wound up watching The Searchers (#1) and The Sisters Brothers (#49). This morning I’m making my way through Rio Bravo (#8). The weather is crazy today so I’ll probably just watch westerns after work. No sense skiing in 20-30 mph wind and sleet.