I find myself teetering on the brink of becoming the quirky person sporting a tin foil hat, and this journey marks the “food” edition of my tin foil hat adventures.
I’m evolving into someone who steers clear of ultra-processed food, gradually becoming the architect of my culinary creations. From crafting soup stocks to baking breads and bagels, I’m embracing the entire process. No more ordering or buying frozen pizza for me – I’m handcrafting my flatbread and simmering my tomato sauce. I’m on the verge of churning my butter and crafting my cheese. Even my meat and chicken come straight from a local farm co-op. When the craving for tacos hits, I whip up the tortillas from scratch. It’s a blend of the slow cooking movement, a desire for healthier food, and an unabashed enjoyment of the art of cooking.
At this very moment, I’m fermenting a batch of sauerkraut.
Why, you might wonder? Well, for one, I genuinely revel in the act of cooking. It’s not a chore; it’s a pleasure. Beyond that, I can’t shake the belief that many contemporary health issues stem from the chemicals lurking in our food. I’m not just pointing fingers at Doritos; it’s the bread and other seemingly innocent products overloaded with preservatives for prolonged shelf life. That just can’t be good for our well-being. My tin foil hat musings aren’t centered around a conspiracy; it’s more about profit. I entertain the notion that ADHD, Type II diabetes, obesity, and various mental health challenges are, in part or in large, products of these chemicals in our food. The conspiracy might be the cycle where one group sells unhealthy food, while another peddles medications to manage the consequences. Instead of promoting fresh fruits and vegetables, they persist in pushing harmful options, only to sell weight-loss drugs as the supposed remedy.
I refuse to participate in that game. My plan? Consume the cleanest food possible, keep up with my exercise routine, and observe how it makes me feel. Let’s see where this tin foil hat food journey takes me.